Sotto la Teglia 14 agosto- Fucilazioni di civili

Il Negri,indignato,ordinò ai suoi (e il comando parrà sempre ingiusto) di slanciarsi contro il paese,contro la popolazione che calma riposava.
L’impresa di Negri riuscì così facile,e il paese da un momento all’altro fi un subbuglio. Il suono lento e disteso delle campane,le scariche dei fucili,il correre su e giu’ dei soldati,svegliarono le mamme,che stringendo a loro i bimbi ancora addormentati,si domandavano il perchè di quel finimondo. tutti correvano alle finestre,ai balconi,alle porte per rendersi ragione di ciò che accadeva. I soldati,slanciatisi per le scale del paese,e nelle case,abusando dell’ora presta,della nudità,del sonno,dello spavento dei cittadini,si abbandonarono “a fatti orrendi,a saccheggi sozzi,arsioni infami”
Executions Under the Tilia Tree:
In 1861, some partisans captured and killed a small number of Italian soldiers in Casalduni. Seeking revenge, Italian Colonel Pier Eleonoro Negri directed his men to launch an attack. As Pontelandolfese calmly slept, an indignant, Colonel Negri ordered that his soldiers destroy the community. Leave no stone left standing, he cried. (This command will forever seem extreme.)
Entering Pontelandolfo in the middle of the night, Negri easily attacked. Within moments, the countryside was in turmoil. The slow ringing of the church bells juxtaposed with the rapid discharge of rifles and the crunch of boots pounding on the coblestones awakened sleeping families. Still clutching their drowsy children, adults wondered what was causing the chaos. Racing to windows, balconies and doors, the Pontelandolfese were shocked to see soldiers running through their streets. The Italian Army had arrived and all had a right to be fearful. The soldiers, kicked in doors, leaped up stairs, raced into homes killing men, women and children. Looting and unimaginable autracities occurred. Those that tried to fight back were dragged under the Tilia Tree in Piazza Roma and shot. Flames soared and the village burned. The infamy of this night will never be forgotten.